HJ3 Carbon Fiber
What is StrongHold™ Carbon Fiber?
HJ3 Composite Technologies provides a comprehensive line of strengthening products for our installation technicians, including HJ3 Carbon Fiber, that can be used to protect residential and commercial structures against bowing or buckling walls. We distribute their StrongHold Bowing Wall Repair and Strengthening System because it’s the blueprint for all other carbon fiber wall support systems. In 1997, HJ3 patented the very first carbon fiber system to strengthen basement walls. Since then, more than 100 StrongHold installers across the nation have used their system to strengthen well over 25,000 homes. The system is designed to strengthen concrete or masonry walls to prevent inward bowing that may be caused by dynamic forces, excess moisture, earthquakes, temperature variations, and other environmental disruptions.
Fast, effective installation of this product requires no heavy equipment, no excavation, and no mess. Our HJ3 Carbon Fiber installation teams are typically able to start and finish the project in just a single day’s work! Instead of heavy steel I-beams that take up room and make for an unsightly finish in a basement, carbon fiber straps provide adequate strength without being an eyesore to your customers.

Benefits & Features for Installers
The carbon fiber used in the StrongHold system is 10 times stronger than steel while also being 40 times lighter. For homeowners looking for wall support, that means superior strength while looking discrete. For installers, that means fast, versatile installation, so your team can finish jobs more quickly without losing any tensile force. Contact us today if your construction team needs high-quality composite technology or HJ3 Carbon Fiber. Other benefits include:
- Superior durability
- Meets ICC and ACI engineering design codes
- Fast, simple installation
- Lower labor costs
- More than 20 years of testing for efficacy
- Ability to withstand high temperatures, abrasion, and aggressive chemicals
- Usefulness in commercial, residential, industrial, seismic, and explosion resistant applications
Work With Walder
When your customers need superior strength to support their bowing basement walls, trust Walder to provide you with the very best products to protect their home or business. Contact our team to become a certified HJ3 carbon fiber installer!