Product Description
Track to Concrete / Steel Nail Guns
Aerosmith Fastening's new GT38Li (90J) and GT60Li (105J) Gas Track Pinners are quality, high performance gas powered tools that allow tracking to concrete, block or steel. The GT38Li and GT60Li will also improve your efficiency with less loading time and 8,000 shots per fully charged battery.
- Simply less downtime using Aerosmith®’s durable, reliable, cordless tools
- Quality applications assured with ‘finger-tip’ depth of drive adjustment meaning fewer call backs
- Powerful!...Handle applications from steel track to wood bottom plates or furring strips
- Lowers gas costs; reduced down time
- Lithium ion technology for long life and fast charge times mean less downtime
- Applications include construction fastening, industrial and specialty applications, and siding, with materials such as plywood, OSB (Oriented Strand Board) and tracking to steel and concrete. See below for more details.
- Simply Faster…Simply Better